
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

365QOD- Day780

"I am responsible"- my admission

Distinction#6: Entrepreneurs say, "The buck stops here."
                       Employee says, "It is not my fault."

I allow the construction supervisors that work for me a lot of freedom.  They are allowed to make decisions as if I made them.  The main reason I allows this is that a good decision right now is better than a perfect decision much later.

I delegate BUT I also accept the fault when the decision turns out to be a poor one.  I have to in order to retain the trust and not to introduce doubt in their decision making.

It is hard to admit fault when someone else makes the decision BUT I believe that as the boss you have to accept the blame if you are to share the successes.

Today's question is:
"Can you take the fall for someone else's decision?"

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