
Sunday, March 24, 2013

365QOD- Day778

"I am a generalist.  If I need a specialist I hire one" - paraphrase of Henry Ford's words during a trial

Distinction#4 Entrepreneurs know a little about a lot.
                     Employees know a lot about a little.

I remember reading a version of the above quote many years ago.  It made me realize that if I wanted to be someone who runs companies to be more of generalist than a specialist.  To me understanding the big picture  while being able to execute it is deep enough.  If I am completely focused on the execution then I am becoming a specialist.

Over the years I have stayed away from ladder climbing.  I want to get paid what I believe is in line with the specialist position I hold but be given the time outside of work to pursue creating my own ladder.

I believe that I know a lot.  Sometimes I feel like I will never know enough.  Would I claim mastery of many work processes?  Absolutely no!  I know enough about a lot.

Today's question is:
"Do you know a little about a lot OR a lot about a little?"

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