
Saturday, March 23, 2013

365QOD- Day777

"777 lucky number!" - a common belief

Distinction#3: Entrepreneurs are solution finders.
                        Employees are problem solvers.

I watched a series while back about the men that changed America.  This series took a look at some of the giants titans at the end of last century.

The series educated me that often these guys were not looking to solve a small problem BUT looking to create industries.  It was not by luck that they created these industries.

Maybe I am wrong about that?  Maybe they started by trying to solve a single problem and then generalized it to create an industry.  They were looking for a solution to a need that society had.

Vanderbilt was looking for a way to cheaply transfer goods across the nation so he started the railroad industry. Rockefeller started oil and gas.  Carnegie created the steel industry.  Morgan the finance industry.

Today's question is:
"Are you focused on the solution or the problem?"

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