
Thursday, June 30, 2011


"A member of the 'formally promising club'"- a line from You will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger movie

Unfortunately, life does not reward potential. 

Several years ago I had a new student come up to me and tell me that he had returned to school because of me.  I scratched my head and expressed a puzzled look.  I asked, "how can that be, I just started being your teacher?"  He told me a short story.

A few years before that day he had walked in to a class that I was teaching.  It was the first day of the class and he happen to be in the wrong room.  Enjoying himself he stayed.  He did not feel that school was the right choice for him and shortly afterwards quit the university.

However, something kept bugging him. It was something I said,  "We may judge ourselves by what we are capable of BUT others judge us by what we have already done."

His younger brother graduated and got a good job.  He kept thinking about that statement.  He thought of himself as Mr. Potential.  He thought that he can do anything.  That he can be anything.  In his mind he even believed that.

However, people were judging him based on what he had done.  So he came back to school and finished his degree.

Today's question is:
"Are you full of potential?"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



It is human nature to want to stay in a position of equilibrium.  Imagine yourself being a ball in a valley. 
If the valley is not very deep a small bump will take you out of there.  However, if the valley is deep then a massive push might be required.  Since it takes a massive push to get us out of a decent valley we should consider what valley we find ourselves or head towards.. 

Now imagine constantly stretching yourself by looking for the edges of the valley.  Since you are near the edge, the ability to get out of the valley is very easy to accomplish.

We must change our mindsets to always be streatching beyond our current state(valley) in order to reach new peaks.  We must look at every day and say to ourselves:
     I will always strive to be greater than I currently am.
     In each successive act, test, encounter, thought, I will be GREATER than in the previous one .
     I am what I am now, but in an hour I must be MORE than I am now.
     In everything must I exert more power to surpass myself.’
                                                                                        (modified version of Mike Lutman's version)

We must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  We must stretch everything!

Today's question is:
"Are you greater today than you were yesterday?"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


"Design is the principal difference between love and hate"-Tom Peters

In previous post I mentioned my idea for a group collaboration that is similar to the Wikipedia website idea(getting many contributors to contribute a small amount that will produce a great result which is impossible to be done by an individual).

Another idea that I have been reading a lot about is Khan Academy.  Khan creates videos for his viewers on a number of topics.  He started in 2009.  He has gathered a loyal and famous following i.e Bill Gates.

I bought my first Toshiba Tablet PC back in 2007 and almost immediately started producing videos for math courses, MBA, and business courses.  These videos initially covered homework help but eventually I started recording lectures also.  I have found this the only way to teach online technology courses. 

Nowadays I am blending on ground with online environments.  I typically teach four hour courses.  During the first 1-2 hours I work out problems similar to the homework.  This could be as many as 50 different problems.  While solving these problems I record a video of me doing so.  During the second half of the class I set the computer to produce the video and lastly upload the video to my website.  Now the student can replay the video and fill in the gaps of what they missed live. 

Imagine having a recording of a subject you are learning that is recorded and can be re-played later. 

So my problem was not with coming up with brilliant ideas BUT in executing hem.

Today's question is:
"How do you know when it is too late to execute a great idea?"

Monday, June 27, 2011


"Do not fear death, fear a wasted life"- a church sign

As I drove by a church near home this morning I passed this sign.  I immediately paused to think about it.

I am a firm believer that the only irreplaceable in life is time.  We can always make repairs in our personal, financial, social, spiritual, physical, etc.  It might take time but it can be done.

I believe that when life is over that God will not ask us why we weren't more Jesus-like, Moses-like, Buddha-like, name a prophet-like.  I think the only question I will be asked is, "Why weren't you more Robert-like?   We are not here to be more like anyone else.

In a sense we can only be our best when we are most like ourselves.  When we do not fear and Just BE.

Today's question is:
"Are you being your best YOURNAME?"

Sunday, June 26, 2011


"What's the difference?"- a simple question

In an earlier post I talked about a conversation I had with a couple of gentlemen.  The topic was about education reform.  One of the examples offered was about a school that provides specific training to their students in order for them to succeed.

The best example ever offered about the difference between education and training is:
Imagine you have a sixteen year old daughter.  At school she is given the choice of two courses.  One is Sex Education and the other is Sex Training.  Which one do you sign her up for?  Why?

It is obvious that they serve different purposes.  If I wanted to teach someone a subject I am educating them.  The training implied hand-on application of the education that one has received.

Consider a typical course for a minute.  During a lecture you are learning a new topic(education).  In a lab you are asked to examine a concept by performing an experiment(training).  When you go home you are working on homework(training).  Later on you are asked to take a quiz or test(education). 

What I find amazing is that students will often pick and chose their battles and most often not perform the best in the training portions because they require doing the work instead of being entertained.

Today's question is:
"What are you learning and what are you training in?"

Saturday, June 25, 2011


5"Change..we must change it"- a very creative person

I sat in a park lat night and had a wonderful conversation with two gentlemen.  One of them, Bill, offered the following quite, "In Chicago we start our responses with Yes, However  but in many places they start their responses with No, But".

Our discussion at that moment was about whether there is a need to change Catholic education.  We agreed that the Yes, However response starts of positively and offers a modification to the idea.  The No, But response starts of negatively and offers an alternative to the idea.

The other gentlemen, Nicolae, offered an example of a highly focused creative school, Flashpoint Academy, that enables their students to get employment at a rate high in the 95+% before they graduate.

So should a traditional effective system be changed to make it more modern? Will it make it more effective?
Is education training?

Today's question is:
"What makes a change necessary in order for something to be improved?"

Friday, June 24, 2011


"Not my job"- common belief

While listening to the book Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders I heard the author tell a story about a CEO for whom he worked for.  The CEO was working late and almost everyone in the office was gone home for the day.

When the phone rang the CEO left his office and walked over to the phone and took the time to take a detailed message.  At the end he assured the person that tomorrow the person who can help will be given the note and asked to follow-up.

Today's question is:
"Are you exceeding your customer's expectations?"

Thursday, June 23, 2011


"Execution is everything"-my belief

Many of us are thinkers.  We get an idea, play with it, fall in love with it, but we hardly ever execute it.

Last week I talked about my efforts to publish a book.  I did contact Amazon, I did figure out how to re-size the book, but I am still struggling to get the proper format for the front and back cover.  So I executed some of my list and failed to execute all.

While driving this morning I was listening to the book, Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders, I learned that Toyota employees generate 1,000,000 ideas per year.  This is an impressive amount of ideas.  BUT the most impressive fact was that 90% of the ideas get executed.

WOW!  90%!

Today's question is:
"What would happen to your world if you executed 90% of the great ideas that you generate?"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


2I had a conversation today with one of my friends.  During the discussion we talked about what each of us was working on and how easy it was to lose focus. We both questioned each other if we were spending our time on the most important items in our lives.

This conversation reminded me of something that I read or heard from Dan Pink. He learned these questions from Jim Collins and I am passing it along to you.

Today's questions are:

"Ask yourself, if you had $20 million in the bank or knew that you had no more than ten years to live,
1. Would you spend your days the way you spend  
    them now?
2. Would you stick with your current job?"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


"I don't know"-not the right answer

I recently got asked a very tough question:
"When people meet you, what is the biggest misconception that they have of you?"

I though about it and thought about it but nothing came out.  WOW!

Having been asked this question a few weeks ago I have thought about it some more and I still do not have a good answer.  I am sure that when people see me they immediately form a notion of me.  I am sure that they group me based on my age, sex, height, weight, etc.  When the conversation proceeds they also form their opinions on my level of education,overall intelligence, and possibly trust level.

But what do they misconceive? Got me.

Today's question is:
"When people meet you, what is the biggest misconception that they have of you?"

Monday, June 20, 2011


"Hum.. a great question?" - my expression

Recently I sat on a plane from Houston to Chicago.  Next to me was a nice lady with whom I had a very long conversation. 

During the conversation we discussed many subjects and since I had been to an interview she offered me the toughest question she was asked. 

Imagine yourself having to give a presentation to a very large group.  Your host is rushed and asks you for a single word that you would use to describe yourself.

When she asked me I thought about it for a minute and said that I would use tenacious.  She said that that was a nice word.  Her word was integrity because integrity encompasses other qualities as a part of it.  She aced the interview and got the job.

Today's question is:
"What one word would you use to describe yourself?"

Sunday, June 19, 2011


"That is not what I need."-often thought of expression

When managing people we need to determine what the employee needs or better what we need.  It is often not what the company is willing to provide.

In the book, Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders, the author claims that all employee wishes could be reduced to the acronym RED.
R stands for the ROLE that the employee plays within the organization.
E stands for the ENVIRONMENT in which the employee finds themselves.
D stands for DESTINATION in which the employee wishes to move towards.

About sixteen years ago I had a meeting with a high level manager.  He wanted to promote me to an Engineer in a different part of the mill.  I wanted a higher position as an Engineering Manager.  I turned down the promotion.  He was very upset, turned red, and the most combative one hour of my life began.  Our verbal confrontation ended with him saying to me "young man... you know what you want BUT you might not get it".

A month later the same manager promoted me to the Engineering Manager position.  He said that my promotion was not up for discussion.

After a year of great performance he and I patched things up and worked well together.  One time I was in his office and he asked me why I, even though I was working on my doctorate and was a professor at a local university, stayed with the company.

My answer was:
I look at my job as having a four legged chair.
1. first leg is my position and my compensation(R)
2. second leg is the people I work with and projects I work on(E)
3. third leg is the company allowing me to pursue my doctorate(D)
4. fourth leg is the company allowing me to teach at night(E)

If any one of the legs gets broken, the chair starts to rock.  If a second leg becomes compromised, the chair falls and I have to look for another chair.  He said, "can you repeat that so that I can write it down?"

Today's question is:
"What are the four legs of your current job?"

Saturday, June 18, 2011


"We don't need a stupedvisor.  We need another pair of hands"- an hourly guy expressing frustration

Recently I read an INC. magazine article by Jason Fried from signals.  The title of the article was No layers of management

I am amazed at his thinking.  In the article he mentions an employee who was great employee who wanted more responsibility and a title.  The company decided that leadership in groups is rotational and that the employee needs to move on to a different role outside of the company in order to be fulfilled.

Most companies would have created a new role for a star member.  Not 37 signals. 

Most companies take their best employees and make them managers.  By taking them out of their natural environment they typically lose a great employee and gain an OK manager.

Recently I interviewed with a company for a position in which there were four project managers handling 250 jobs.  Amazing.  The manager was really a team member.  He was so overworked that he confided in me that he had only taken a week of vacation last year.  So he was really a manager in title only.  His job was the same as others except he had more responsibilities.

Today's question is:
"Can your team function without a defined leader?"

Friday, June 17, 2011


"Numbers, numbers.. all over the place"- a frustration

A whole back I befriended a graphic designer and business entrepreneur.  He was very passionate about how data can be used to explain phenomenon and modify spaces.

During the conversation, Nicolae instructed me that data can only be represented only five different ways:

I found that fascinating to learn.  Now if I am confronted with large data I would take a look at this post and ask myself about which was is the most effective way to represent the data.

In our world there is an overabundance of data.  Extracting information from it and obtaining actionable wisdom is what is missing.

Today's question is:
"How do you communicate large amounts of data to your audience?"

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"Business ideas have no value at all if they aren't executed.  Even bad ideas go far if they are executed well. Look at Starbucks.  They decided to open a coffee shop on every corner and charge over four times what you'd normally pay for coffee.  On paper this is a horrible idea. But they took it to the next level and made it a lifestyle.  Stupid idea but great execution."- Jen Weigel Chicago Tribune 4/4/2011 article

A while back in a post I told the story of a conversation with my son. During the conversation, I stated that if I had simply implemented the ideas I generated in my twenties I would have been retired by thirty.

I believe that.

Yesterday during lunch one of my friends asked me why I have not put my book, The Result    The Secret to Using Current Results to Achieve Your Goals, out yet.  He knew that I have been promising for the last three months and has been gently nudging me to put it out on the market.  My answer was that I can come up with many excuses but they would be simply excuses. 

He followed up with these questions, "What are you afraid of?   Are you afraid of failure or success?"

The truthful answer is neither.  Just simply unfocused.  I have been working on other ideas that seem "cooler" at the moment.  Again.. just an excuse.

"So, what will it take to finish it?", he asked.

Sheepishly I admitted, "Probably an hour or so..."

Sad when you think about it.  I am unwilling to focus for an hour to finish something that will benefit me.  WOW!  As the quote above states, the book has no value until it is published.

Tonight there is no going to sleep until I add the ISBN number to the back cover(10 minutes).  Tomorrow create a pdf to send Amazon and send it(20 minutes).  Tomorrow night convert the pdf to Amazon's ebook format.  No excuses...Just do it!

Today's question is:
"What prevents you from giving an hour toward your dream?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


"I can see God's fingerprints all over this", I exclaimed.

In yesterday's post I talked about the interesting presenter and the network he had.  I was pleasantly surprised but what happened a few hours later that surpassed the early afternoon events.  

I sat in a Starbuck's cafe with a friend and my wife chatting away.  I had given the friend a cap with my company's logo. 

A couple approached and the gentlemen said nice hat.  Our friend said that I work for the company and that I had given him the hat.

This started a conversation about the work that he does and the many places he has lived around the world.  It was obvious that he was pretty high up in the company.  He asked me what I did and I shared with him my recent job search. I mentioned the places where I had and where I was interviewing currently within the company.  Conversation continued for a while.

As they were getting ready to leave he asked me for my card.  Luckily I had one and shared it with him.  

 Today's question is:
"Do you always know who you are sitting next to?"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"You can't make me any dumber"- my response

The other day I participated in a graduation ceremony as a faculty member.  I sat on the stage and eagerly awaited the guest speaker.  Last year's presenter was very good so I expected the same this year.

I took out my pen and used the event brochure to take notes.  The speaker began but quickly it was obvious that the presenter was OK.  I however did not give up and wanted to learn at least a few things.

The faculty member on my right noticed me that I was trying to write and said, "You can't learn anything from this guy".  My response was that you can't make me any dumber, you can only make me smarter.  She said nothing for the rest of the presentation.

After the ceremony we met for a lunch and I got to speak with the presenter.  He was a very energetic and very very well connected within the school.  When I described an idea to him he got all excited and made some intelligent suggestions.

Moral of the story is.. you never know who you are listening to.  Don't quickly dismiss the message.  Learn something.

Today's question is:
"Who's message are you ignoring?"

Monday, June 13, 2011


The first part of my mantra I say out loud C is for Confident.  I then continue on the inside with why I consider myself confident. 
         I am confident because of . 
         I am confident because of the .
         I am... continue saying out what makes me confident. 

This allows me to focus on confidence for that run and how it is a part of my life.  After 26 runs I repeat...

I  strongly believe that you need to come up with a positive, powerful words for each letter of the alphabet.  In the I am posts I will share my list with you. 

Today's question is:
"What does your C stand for?"

Sunday, June 12, 2011


The L in GOSPAL is my addition.  It stands for Learning.

As I proceed though a project I must periodically, either daily or weekly, stop and evaluate my progress.  If I thought that S3,O4 would only take 2 days but in reality it took 3 days I must look at the future actions and be willing to reduce the amount of time that they require in order to be done in 90 days. 

Keeping to the 90 days keeps you focused and does not allow the schedule to slip.  I am not saying that it is easy BUT it is easier than never getting done on time and being disappointed.  I often like to squeeze in the middle instead at the end.  Usually there is more flexibility there than at the end where I am trying to finish on time.

I believe that by doing a review of the project and trying to make sure you end on time your focus will not diminish.  Blindly accepting that something took longer than expected is not good enough.  Same thing could be said about not taking care of a daily action.  You have lost momentum that you must get back.  Re-focus and get back on track.

Today's question is:
"What are you learning while you are achieving your goal?"

Friday, June 10, 2011


"Action"-a director's call

Continuing with our strategy for achieving goals we arrive at the Action part of GOSPAL.

The only way to change our external world is through action.  Internally we can conceive an idea BUT without the external execution of that idea we have nothing.

At this point we have identified our BIG goal, the smaller objectives we have to hit in order to achieve the goal, the different strategies we can achieve those objectives, planed out the optimal path through the objectives.  I like to do this planning on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper.  On one side I try to fill all of this thinking while I am brainstorming.

Next, I flip the page over and divide the paper into thirds.  I then number the left side of the page 1 though 30(I know certain month shave 31 days).   I fill out the daily actions I will take on objectives that I will be working on during those three months.

It looks something like this.  Note that in this figure I am not showing the specific actions I would be taking that day but what I am seeing the big picture of what needs to happen.  You should add the details.

At this point you have everything on one piece of paper that you can fold and carry with you for the next three months.  You want that paper to be totally worn by the 90th day. 

Today's question is:
"What are the daily actions you need to take towards each of your objectives?"


"We don't need no plan.. We just need to do it"

The P in GOSPAL is for Planning/Prioritizing.  After I have generated a Goal and multiple Strategies to satisfy the Objectives I take the time to evaluate the original brainstorming of the Objectives.

At this point I am no longer trying to generate ideas but to determine the optimal flow through the objectives.
Consider the original Objectives
1. Create an outline
2. Add more detail to each point until each point is a page
3. Write chapters in one sitting or two in order to maintain flow
4. Print chapters, read out loud, and edit book
5. Give to friends to read
6. Edit original with comments
7. Do a final edit
8. Contact Amazon and determine rules
9  Get ISBN
10. Get copyright
11. Create cover
12. Create ebook format
13. Upload to Amazon

It is obvious that O1 should be done first and maybe the first seven Objectives can be done sequentially.  However, there is no reason why O8, O9, and O10 can not be done in parallel.  O11 can be moved up to be amongst the first seven.  It requires graphic creativity and if I am getting burned out writing then a short break to work on the cover might just recharge me.

So I might think that a better flow would be:
O1->O2->O3->O4->O5->O6->O7->O8   ->O12->O13
                      ->O11                         ->O9
You now need to realistically estimate the time that each objective will take place and write that down next to each objective.

Today's question is:
"What is the best Plan through your Objectives"

Thursday, June 9, 2011


"So you got your BIG goal, and the smaller objectives that you have to hit to get to the end... So what is next?"

In yesterday's post I identified these objectives in order to reach my goal
1. Create an outline
2. Add more detail to each point until each point is a page
3. Write chapters in one sitting or two in order to maintain flow
4. Print chapters, read out loud, and edit book
5. Give to friends to read
6. Edit original with comments
7. Do a final edit
8. Contact Amazon and determine rules
9  Get ISBN
10. Get copyright
11. Create cover
12. Create ebook format
13. Upload to Amazon

The third piece in GOSPAL is S for Strategy.  Now I need to determine several different ways of accomplishing each objective.

For example, creating an outline, O1, can be done by  (Note S1 is strategy to accomplish objective 1):
S1.1  using the word processor on my cell phone when out an about
S1.2  write it out by hand
S1.3  after each entry add more details

Suppose after brainstorming I only came up with these three different ways.  That would be fine.  Notice that maybe the best strategy for accomplishing O1 would be to combination of  S1.1 and S1.3.

Today's question is:
"Can you identify several strategies that could be used to accomplish each of your objectives?"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


"So you have a Goal?  So what?"

We are at this point ahead of most people who set goals.  We have a clearly identified goal that we want to achieve.  It is too big.  It is not like I can sit down and just write a complete book in one sitting.  It needs to be broken down.

The O in GOSPAL is for Objectives.

Once the goal is clear we need to break it down into several milestones.  How many?  I like 10 but every goal is different and you can adjust it slightly up or down.  For example, it could be 12 if you need a monthly target. 

So what makes a good objective.  It should be clear to you by reading the objectives.  Can you visualize as you read out loud  the Objectives that if you accomplish those you would be able to achieve the ultimate goal?

With our example the objectives could be:
1. Create an outline
2. Add more detail to each point until each point is a page
3. Write chapters in one sitting or two in order to maintain flow
4. Print chapters, read out loud, and edit book
5. Give to friends to read
6. Edit original with comments
7. Do a final edit
8. Contact Amazon and determine rules
9  Get ISBN
10. Get copyright
11. Create cover
12. Create ebook format
13. Upload to Amazon

Today's question is:
"What are your Objectives?"


"So what do you want?...(after a pause)  I want to be rich."-a conversation

Most people do not have a plan on how to accomplish a desired goal.  So after a while they just give up on their goals.

Several years ago I listened to a Brian Tracy audio book in which he described a brilliant idea on how to accomplish any goal.  I would like to share my understanding of it and my addition to it in the next six posts.

The technique is called GOSPA.  I have added an L and I call it GOSPAL.

The technique starts by identifying a clear Goal.  This gives us the letter G.

So what makes a good goal?  In my opinion it has to be very precise.  For example, saying that I want to write a book is not specific enough.  Saying that I want to write a self-help book to help people succeed on the topic of how to use current results to achieve your ultimate goal.  Now we are talking specific.

In many books that I have read on goal setting it seems that one needs to clearly define a time frame.  In our example let us choose three months.   And the way I will know that I have accomplished my goal is if I can go to Amazon and look up my book under my name.

Putting it together becomes our goal statement:
I (WHO) want to
1.  write a self-help book (WHAT) to help people succeed(WHY)
2.  on the topic of how to use current results to achieve your ultimate goal (HOW)
3. within three months (WHEN)
4. I will verify that my goal has been achieved by looking it up on Amazon.(WHERE)

Today's question is:
"What is a goal that you want to work through during the next six days?"

Monday, June 6, 2011


"That which gets measured gets improved"-proverb

Recently I have been improving my running.  Because of my bad knees I am trying to improve even though I only run twice a week.  During the week I do one 4:30 a.m. speed run(2.2 mi) and on the weekend I do my long run(anywhere from 5k-10mi so far).

Every time I run I record the result in my little book.  I can go back to last year's runs and see the progress I have made during the year or so I have gone back to running.

There is a move afoot to measure a lot of things in one's life.  The movement goes under the heading Quantified self.  Great resources can be found at

The reference book is by Gordon Bell who tried to capture as much of his life in digital form.  (I have read many articles about him but have not had the time to read this book yet).  Pretty impressive!

While reading Forbes April 25,2011 issue one of the items that caught my eye is the website

The neat part of the website is that it will pings(text) you three times a day to fill out surveys on your mood.

A while back in a post I recommended taht you gve your day a happiness rating from 1(not so good) to 10(the best).  I have noticed that most of my days are average and I need to look for happiness inducers in order to raise the level.  There is nothing wrong with that unless it is harmful to one.  My biggest hapiness inducer is to do something creative..pretty harmless.

Today's question is:

"Would you be more likely to improve your happiness if you monitor it?"

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The first part of my mantra is I say out loud B is for Bold. .  I then continue on the inside with why I consider myself bold. 
         I am bold because of . 
         I am bold because of the .
         I am... continue saying out what makes me bold. 
This allows me to focus on abundance for that run and how it is a part of my life.  After 26 runs I repeat...

I  strongly believe that you need to come up with a positive, powerful words for each letter of the alphabet.  In the I am posts I will share my list with you. 

Today's question is:
"What does your B stand for?"

Saturday, June 4, 2011


"What did you say you wanted this gizmo to do"- an engineer to a marketing executive

The fifth dysfunction is Inattention to Results

Our life rewards are solely based on results.

As Tony Robins says in one of his audio books:(I am recounting it and not quoting it)
- If you performance is low, in life you rewards.  Most people say low rewards.
- A big step up from low performance is to good performance.  People expect a good reward for good performance.   However, in life we get low rewards for good performance. 
- Next big step is to excellent performance.  For that you get.... good rewards.  It does not seem fair but it is true. 
- Lastly, a small leap from excellent to outstanding (out standing) results is where the excellent rewards are.

When a team deals with many distractions it is very easy to under-perform.   When a team has lost trust, lack of commitment, avoids conflict, and  avoids accountability then a team will certainly under-perform.  It is not a surprise.  Not being able to focus on the task while mental resources are directed in CYA leads to under-performance. 

Today's question is:
"What kind of rewards do you want this year?"

Friday, June 3, 2011


"Who me?"

The fourth dysfunction is Avoidance of Accountability

It is very easy to blame others.  However, when you do that you lose any power to change the situation.  You have just given away the power and the glory by not taking any accountability.

I remember having a conversation with my son when he was little.  I told him to stand in front of me.  I aked him to give me a smile as if I had given him lots of money.  He did. Next I asked him to make an angry face that would scare me.  He did.

The lesson was in the next question.  Who can make you smile or angry?  He answered that only he can make himself smile or become angry.

By excepting the blame one puts themselves in a position to change the existing problem into an opportunity for improvement.  None of us are perfect.

Today's question is:
"Can you accept the blame in order to get the accountability to change the situation?"

Thursday, June 2, 2011


"You jump first"- as we were jumping of a bridge something I uttered

The third dysfunction is Lack of Commitment

When a leader chooses to go in a direction that the team is unsure of a lack of commitment can surface.  It might not be demonstrated as a disobedience of orders but as a delay in response.

Recently, during a weekly safety meeting a gentlemen expressed lack of support for an idea but stating that the people supporting the idea do not understand "historical inertia".

Teams and companies get comfortable with the idea of how things are suppose to be done and when nudged in a different direction will fight the move though historical inertia and move the other way.

Verbal commitment is the lowest level of commitment. Until one sees support by having the followers move in the same direction as you wish you are just a leader with no followers.  You are not leading but simply taking a walk.

In an earlier post I showed a video of a sole person dancing on a hill and once the second person, the first follower, joined them the momentum gained strength and eventually people were running to join the movement.

Today's question is:
"How do you assure that your first follower is nurtured?" 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


"I hate it when we disagree"- a silly statement

The second of the five dysfunctions is fear of conflict.

I am always amazed that when people interview prospective hires they like to chose people like themselves most often.   Why?  Because they are like them.  The view themselves as being a good employee and would like to reward the company with the same type of person.  This eliminates conflict.

I have always thought that by hiring the same type of person I would double my strengths AND double my weaknesses.  Bad idea! 

At one time I was an Engineering Manager and attended a weekly staff meeting.  The manager of the division liked to have a two hour meeting every Wednesday afternoon during which we discussed the schedules and activities that needed to take place next week.  However, often times he liked to brainstorm ideas with the team.  The brainstorming consisted of him stating his thoughts and then asking for the team's opinions.

Most often, the members would regurgitate the thoughts that he espoused and nod in agreement.  It felt like I was the only voice that dissented and offered a different point of view.  

So I stopped going to the meetings.  A year later my boss came to my office and told me that I should be attending his weekly meetings.  I did as instructed.  The meetings were now an hour of agreement.  I complimented him on his new format and how much more efficient he had become and never went back again.

Today's question is:
"Are you afraid to entertain differing ideas because of fear of conflict?"