
Saturday, October 8, 2011


"Do even the little things with passion.  They are always bigger than they seem"- Anonymous

Everyday I make coffee that I take to work.  The process of making the coffee starts with running water from a faucet for a minute and pouring it into a pot.  Then I let the pot slowly come to a boil- usually about 10 minutes.

While the water is getting to boiling point, I prepare my french press( a vertical cylinder which has a press with a mesh on it).  In the press I put 4 large scoops of regular coffee and hazelnut coffee mixture.  

When the water has started to boil, I pour the water into the press with my right hand.  I use a spoon to slowly turn the coffee until a large section of cream develops.  Once that is done, I pour brown sugar ( you will never go back to regular sugar) in two separate cups.  One is for me and other is for my wife.  This takes about a minute to complete and allows the coffee grinds to drop down to the bottom.

I next gently press the mesh section on top of the press down.  Pouring starts in my cup until I get some cream to come out.  At that point I switch to my wife's cup.  I slowly pour hers till the top.  Then I finish by pouring the rest of mine.  Lastly, I pour milk on top of mine and gently stir both cups.

The other day I went out for a run and when I came back my wife had tried to make coffee. It did not taste right.  I wonder why?

Today's question is:
"Do you do the little things in life with passion?"

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