
Monday, October 10, 2011


"The truth is, we deserve few if any of the things we've come to expect, wish for, or covert in the lives of others.  We should be grateful for the most basic things in life and never let our expectations define our level of thankfulness"- Erwin McManus, What Do You Deserve

In yesterday post we talked about being a POET.  POET is a way of reminding ourselves to be thankful for the People, Opportunities, Experiences, and Things.

As the quote warns us, we deserve few of the things we have come to expect, wish for, or covet.  There seems to be a disconnect.  We have an overabundance in our lives and we expect, wish for, and covet more.

I have recently moved from a 2 bedroom into a studio apartment.  I used to think that the 2 bedroom was not enough.  Now there is a lot less space.  However, I removed most of my "things" to storage and now feel lighter.  At times the studio feels bigger.  And I am grateful for that..

Today's question is:
"Are your expectations defining your level of thankfulness and affecting your happiness?"

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