
Friday, October 21, 2011


Based on Carol Dweck's work on fixed mindset vs. growth mindset in the book Little Bets

Let us explore a fixed mindset in this post.

1. Fixed mindset sees intelligence as something that can be developed
    In other words you learn and become smarter over time.

Once you perceive yourself as someone who can become smarter you have a a tendency to
2. Embrace challenges even one where you can fail

And when confronted by difficult obstacles a growth mindset person will. Persist in the face of setbacks and attempt to solve them for longer periods of time

Because a growth mindset person sees
4 Effort as the path to mastery

So when given criticism, even constructive criticism,
5.  They will learn from the criticism

Because they realize that other people might be smarter than them
6. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

As a result
7. They may reach even higher levels of achievement

All this gives them a greater sense of free will.

Today's question is:
"Do you have a growth mindset"

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