
Tuesday, December 6, 2011


"Q: If you could change one thing about the word, what would it be? A: The vibration of it."- Mary LoVerde answer to Patricia Gras' question

I read a short interview that these two ladies did and few statements stood out to me. The vibration of it.

There are times when I spend a whole day thinking about a statement.  Joel Osteen got me on September 12th 2010 with the statement ...Number your days.

So what does this lady mean with the vibration of the world?  Tesla was a genius who gave us many inventions.  One of the things that he s know to have said is that he knew the resonant frequency of the world and he could easily split the Earth.  WOW!

I believe that we all resonate at a frequency.  We could change our frequency consciously by thinking about a situation in front of us an adapting to it.  This is why I think we click with certain people.  Their vibration frequency is fairly close to ours.  They are in sync.

Today's question is:
"Can you control your vibration frequency?"

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