
Monday, December 19, 2011


"Bird I hope you win it all"- my words of encouragement

The other night I was in a casino.  One of my co-workers, Robert, sat to my left on a lot machine.  Our machines payed off $4100 is a triple was hit.

After a few pulls I decided that the machine was a loser and moved to Robert's left. 

A couple of minutes later, Bird and Randy, a couple of co-workers showed up.  Randy was to sat down in front of the machine I lost a few bucks on and I told him about my experience.

Bird who was watching behind Robert and I and enjoying one of the many cranberry and vodka cocktails decided to sit down in the "unlucky chair".  I wished him luck and told him that I hoped he wins it all.

He played without paying attention.  We were playing penny slot machines and he did not care if he lost a few pennies.

Maybe it was the many drinks but all of sudden Bird started complaining about the loud ringing sound that his machine was making.  He had won the $4100 jackpot!  WOW!

Today's question is:
"Could some things you perceive as unlucky be very lucky?"

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