
Thursday, December 22, 2011


"When all think alike, then no one is thinking."- Walter Lippman

While reading the November 7 issue  of Forbes I noticed an article about Innovating From Small to Big by Jeff Dyer and Hal Gregersen.  In the article they discuss a study they published in their new book The Innovator's DNA(have not read it yet).

The study found that company founders, disruptive innovators, typically have five discovery skills.  I will like to explore these five in detail over the next 5 days.

The first of these skills is Questioning.  One of the best techniques that I have learned for questioning is the 5 Why.  In this technique a person doing an investigation continues to ask why to establish the cause, effect, and evidence for each why. 

As parents, we often hate when kids continuously ask why.  Well, the 5 why(or more if needed) is the adult version of this game.  It tries not to assume that an event has a single cause but tries to drill into it more deeply.  It gets pretty close to the true cause fairly quickly.

Today's question is:
"Did you ask at least 5 Whys when presented with new information?"

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