
Saturday, December 10, 2011


"Can't be everything to will be nothing to no one"-anonymous

I was reading the USA Today newspaper and came across an article that talked about one-dish eateries.  The example talked about a mac and cheese restaurant that focused on mac and cheese only.  Of course you can add topics but overall there were only 10 ways to get mac and cheese and most of the dishes were under $10.

Compare this business model vs. typical Greek owned restaurant that not only covers most Greek foods but also provides most American types of meals.  Why?  The Greeks realized that there weren't enough of them in most neighborhoods to make the restaurant success so they had to encourage other groups.

I personally love the first model.  Do only a small amount of things and do them exceptionally well.  I think these types of eateries will be a success.  You can produce quality instead of quality. 

Today's question is:
"What is the one thing that you do better than anyone you know of?"

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