
Friday, February 3, 2012


"He sucks..."-my outburst

I recently find myself at home in the evening watching American Idol.  Watching TV is something I do very little of so this is a new guilty pleasure.

What amazes me is the quality and the lack of quality on the show.  Some people can really sing.  Others have a good story so they get passed through.

The ones that boggle my mind are the truly bad ones who get upset.  These, often 20+ year old, contestants believe that they can sing.  In their mind they can hear themselves singing well.  However, the output that I hear is so poor that I can not help but watch the train wreck.

I keep asking myself, "why didn't anyone tell them along the way the truth?"  The only thing I can think of is that most people are too nice to tell us the truth when we lie to ourselves.  I believe we have to ask folks for honest feedback and tell them to hurt your feelings instead of hiding the truth from you.  We have to know in order to make better choices.

Today's question is:
"What are the people around you not telling you?"

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