
Friday, February 24, 2012


"I don't plan on leaving any time soon"- my initial thought

While reading the paper the other day I came across an interesting article about predicting your death. 
Would you want to know how much longer you really got before you die?

A website uses a 16 questionnaire that can roughly predict the survival odds.  It does this over a period of 6 months to five years for older adults.

Again, would you want to know?

I don't.  I try to improve my habits over time.  This is the dash portion of my life.  The start and the end I have no control over.  Ideally, my zen thought is that, I am ready to begin and depart any day.  In reality, I would like a little more time to fix some of the mistakes I have made and improve as a human being.

Today's question is:
"Will you visit the site to determine your end date?"

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