
Saturday, February 18, 2012


"Be in the now"- guidance

One of the teaching of zen and many religions is to live in the present.  To be in the now by living the moment-the present.

I try to follow this wonderful advise but it is difficult.  Often we worry about the future and replay our past.  Both of these we have little or no control of.

I was flipping through a magazine and came across an ad for Capella University.  In the ad there was a single point from which two lines diverged.  The point was labeled now and the gap between the two lines naturally grew larger.  There were labels above and below each line.

For example
- the top line had more money
- the bottom line had same salary

A little to the right
- the top line had more freedom
- the bottom line had same responsibilities

To the rightmost
- the top line had more meaning
- the bottom line had same old, same old

What I liked about the ad is that it visually displayed how choices over time lead us to different end points. If you do not like the end point, then you have to change the choices you are making in your life.

Today's question is:
"What one choice would you make that will make a big difference in your life?"

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