
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"The Navy vet slept in an ancient Rolls-Royce on Sunset Strip as he slung shampoo door to door before making it bog with Paul Mitchell. 'I've learned sales and marketing from knocking on a hundred doors a day.  You quickly discover taht you'll get 99 slammed in your face before you make a sale.'"-John Paul DeJoria (Forbes 16, 2012)

I guess if you have to sleep in a car it would be nice that it is a Rolls...  LOL

BUT I think the important part of the quote is the 99 doors being slammed in your face.  Colonel Sanders got 1007 no answers before he struck his deal.  Now that is an incredible number.  Maybe the moral of the two is that we must accept a lot of no answers before we can get to a yes.

Why do we shrug from a single no?  Maybe it is lack of persistence that holds us back in life.  Maybe we can learn and modify our strategy after each no?

Today's question is:
"How many no answers can you stand before giving up?"

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