
Sunday, February 26, 2012


"I am way over-educated for my job"-Walt Bargeron Ph.D. (while serving as Plant Manager)

In a recent article in Forbes the education of the Forbes 400 was displayed in a table
HS                           27
College dropout       36
College                  160
Graduate school     161
Law degree             35
Ph.D.                      21
M.A.                        6
MBA                     84
MS                        29
M.D.                        5

So what do you notice?  College and graduate school accounted for 321 out of 400.  The table is misleading in that people in MBA group got counted in graduate school group.. but 321 out of 400.

The shocking one was that only 5 M.D. went on to be the richest...

How about 27 HS graduates becoming richest?  In other words if you want it bad enough you can make it happen even if you do not have the great education.

Today's question is:
"How necessary is education for success in your field?"

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