
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


"Leadership=Trust + Service" - my version of Travis Smiley's quote

I came back to the US last night at 11 p.m. and while driving to work this morning I spent some time listening to a Success CD.  A variation of this quote above was on the CD and it caught my ear.

I believe that most positional leaders(been placed there by someone else) often violate this simple equation.  IMHO majority do not trust the people that work for them and seldom do they believe that they should be of service to their people.  They feel that the people should be of service to them.

This equation also emphasises that you must have both.  Either variable will make you a better leader BUT both together will make you a great leader.

Just trusting people will provide them with an incentive to make decisions.  You have to be willing to accept that a certain percentage of those decisions will be wrong and be willing to help reduce the effect.

Being of service means that you are willing to step in any minute and finish a task that one of your people is working on to help them.  It also means asking them what you can do to help them succeed and actually doing it.

Today's question is:
"Do you trust and serve your people?"

Monday, July 30, 2012


"Got an app for that" - ad slogan

While on vacation I have spent most of my time relaxing and a small portion reading and learning.  The learning portion was trying to learn how to write apps for Android telephones. 

I have instructed programming courses before so I did not expect it to be much of a challenge.  It was not.  However, it was different.  I tried two different platforms (Eclipse and App Inventor) and had a hard time getting the Eclipse to work out.

The App Inventor was very easy to work with and get results.  The only limitation was doing very complex apps.

For me it is very unlikely that I will spend a lot of time programming apps in the future BUT it was nice to be able to refresh my skill set.  Even nicer was the feeling that I can teach myself how to do something without a formal class. God bless YouTube videos....

Today's question is:
"What new thing have you taught yourself?"

Sunday, July 29, 2012


"Ahhhh"- can not squeeze it all in

On the last day of a month long vacation and I find myself running trying to have it all.  I keep saying to myself that it is not possible.  I need to prioritize.

Even though it did not seem possible, in the end most things got done.

Today's question is
"Do you panic when crunched for time?"

Saturday, July 28, 2012


"I really don't care if I go there" - a silly thought I had

I spent a day and a half in a city called Ohrid the last two days.  Before going I didn't care if I went there but it worked out that I did go.

My lack of interest was due to having gone there twice and not really seeing the beauty of it.  This time I did and can hardly wait to go there in the future. What changed is that I allowed myself to be wrong about my past experiences.

Today's question is:
"What beauty is in front of you that you are dismissing?"

Friday, July 27, 2012


"I need a plan next time" - my words

I have been on vacation for  Month.   The first week I literally did almost nothing.
Second week I started doing a little more.  By the end of my vacation I was running trying to squeeze it all in.

There is a reason why tourists get to see more of the local cool places than the locals.  They have a defined goal of being in a certain place at a certain time and doing a particular task.  The locals always bet that they can do it tomorrow.  Ultimately tomorrow never comes.
today's question is
"How much more would you get done if you had a plan."

Thursday, July 26, 2012


"If you keep a dairy when you are young, it will keep you when you are old" - Cecil Beaton

As we age we tend to forget.  It is interesting to note that some of my long term memory is pretty good.  I can remember friends with whom I went to elementary school.  Recently I even looked most of them up.

We all need a crutch as we get older. A dairy is a great idea.  You can periodically review it and learn from it.  It is hard to learn by simply relying on memory alone.

Today's question is:
"Do you have a system for capturing your day?"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


"From where?" - my question

A month ago I was leaving for work.  As I entered the garage, there was a beautiful butterfly on the glass door.  I stopped for a moment to appreciate it.

A few days later as I was about to enter my truck I noticed a single yellow flower.  I stopped, bent over, and picked it up.  I placed it on my desk for a couple of days to appreciate it before it wilted away.

Today's question is:
"When is the last time you stopped to appreciate the beauty in something?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"Screw what is next" - Seth Godin

Many times we just keep moving.  The next thing is more exciting than the current thing.  We want to see around the corner.

It is hard to stop and savor what we are doing as the best thing that we should be doing.  That the level of happiness is the highest level possible at this moment.  The sadness the lowest we can feel.


Today's question is:
"Do you enjoy the now?"

Monday, July 23, 2012


"Pain of the pink slip is permanent"- Tori Johnson

I have a lot of schooling behind me.  That is good and bad. 

School teaches you structure and hopefully by the end you learn how to learn anything.  Unfortunately it also lulls people into believing that more and more education is the answer to life security.  This is why most graduates look for jobs after they are done with school.  They have heard it their whole life.. study hard, go to good schools, work for a great company, and you will retire well.

Unfortunately that security no longer exists.  Companies feel less loyal towards employees and over time all of us who call ourselves employee will be given the pink slip a few times.

Even though I work for a company I try to think more like an independent contractor.  I produce great results for my empoyer BUT I have to have a plan B, plan C, etc.

I have emphasized this to my own kids.  Create your own job or jobs and if you loose one then the transition is not so bad.  Create your own company and the pain disappears.

Today's question is:
"How do you handle the pain of the pink slip?"

Sunday, July 22, 2012


"Life is not about surviving the storm as much as learning to dance in the rain"- Anonymous

No one has a perfect life.  At times it may seem like there is a storm brewing BUT it passes without a drop.  Other times it all seems all sunny when a storm blows through that you can not predicts.

It is hard not to focus on difficulties when they are in front of you hitting you in the face.  Try as you may to ignore them they seem to linger around. 

So what should we do?  Remember that during hurricanes the calmest spot is in the middle.  Everything else is being flung around madly.  I believe that there is a lesson in that middle. 

Today's question is:
"Have you looked for the calm middle?"

Saturday, July 21, 2012


"Smile Like You Mean It" - The Killers

I like the title of this song. 

The title made me think how:
We often go through the motions in life. 
We drink but yet we do not taste. 
We eat but can't distinguish the flavors of what we just ate. 
We breathe but yet get no peace or can calm our spirit.

Our lives are full of things and activities but lack meaning.

Today's question is:
"When is the last time you genuinely smiled?"

Friday, July 20, 2012


"1. Drinking one can of soda per day can add as much as 10 pounds to your weight in a single year
 2. Studies have shown that people do not eat less food when they drink calories.  Beverage calories are extra calories.
 3. "For each extra can or glass of sugared beverage consumed per day, the likelihood of a child becoming obese increases by 60%" - Garage Myth

So what?  Are you moved to action? 

Just because we know things does not mean we do things.  All these facts make sense.  But the decision to change sometimes takes a lifetime.  The change only takes an instant BUT to get to that instant takes the rider, elephant, and path(Switch book).  The thought, the feelings, and path to the destination have to be aligned.

Today's question is:
 "How do you move from facts to feelings in order to get yourself to do something?"

Thursday, July 19, 2012


"I am not sad that my friends stole my ideas, I am sad that they did not have their own"- Nikola Tesla

Tesla hovers above most of the great inventors of the 20th century.  He basically created the AC system, the AC motor, wireless power transfer, transistor, etc.  He was definitely ahead of his time. 

I have never been afraid to share my ideas with others without fear.  I would have to believe that they would steal it not to share it with them.  I am a firm believer that people are generally too lazy to implement their own ideas.  For them to steal the ideas of others requires effort.  Does it happen?  Of course.

I am a cREATOR.  I constantly create new ideas.  I would have to believe that the idea that get stolen will be my best and most profitable idea.  This is a ridiculous and I do not believe that.

If someone took my first book and literally copied it page by page and sold it under their own name it would not upset me.  My fifth book will be my best seller.  Who cares if they did the same with the 1,2,3, or 4th?  They are just results that I am obtaining and nudging myself towards my ultimate result. 

Today's question is:
"Do you own your own ideas?"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


If you do not change direction you will end up where you are going - Lao Tsu

While reading the Innovation You book I came across the line:
"I have a map, and I believe in the route that I have planned, but I may change my mind about which road to take when I see what's over the hill"

One of the things I pride myself on is the ability to change directions and do so quickly.  You have to see you current position as the route you planned to take.  It is simply a state.  By giving myself the freedom to change my mind I allow myself the ability to take an alternate route from my current state to my ultimate destination.

There is nothing wrong with that... or is it? Especially if you see that you will end up at the wrong destination.

Today's question is:
"Do you see the many paths away from your current state?"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Def" Creativizing means finding a new solution not by throwing away an old solution and starting over, but by looking at each piece of the current situation and making small, creative changes part by part, experimenting along the way.  "- Jeff Degraff Innovation You

Recently I read portions of this book.  The definition he offers fits really well with the main idea behind my book, The Result.  You always get a result.  I believe that we rarely get immediate success or complete failure.  Once you get a result then make small nudges toward the ultimate result you want.

Isn't it interesting that we are talking about the same ideas but calling it two different things.

Today's question is:
"Are you creativizing?"

Monday, July 16, 2012


"Grit is tough because you don't get the psychic payoffs that come with an exciting discovery or a shift in direction.  You rarely get big wins to celebrate.  In fact, you may never truly win." Garage myth

Success is an inch-by-inch process.  It's called winning by doing the little things that people normally ignore.

Many years ago Larry Bird ruled as a supreme basketball player.  Looking at him was difficult to believe that he would be a champion BUT he was.

Larry Bird's grit was legendary.  He would shoot baskets for hours before a game, during the game, and for hours after the game.  He was willing to pay the price.

Today's question is:
"Do you come in early, work hard, and leave late?"

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"I am gritty" - my belief

I while back in a post I wrote about grit.  The article defined it as:
"Grit - endurance in pursuit of long term goals and an ability to persist in the face of adversity, is a key part of what makes people successful" 

One of the reasons for writing this blog is to teach myself to continue upon a path.  As you might have noticed I have religiously written a post each day.  I might slip a day or two but I catch up and make up for it.  In other words, writing the blog posts if a long term goal. 

I might temporarily get diverted BUT I will overcome that temporary lack of focus and return to the path.  It is my goal to be able to say that I am a finisher.  Whatever that I deem important that I start I must finish. 
It is interesting that in the article it mentioned that the best predictor of whether a West Point cadet finishes the academy is the statement:  I finish whatever I begin. It predicted success better than other parameters such as class rank or GPA.

A great example of grit is the following:
"...An ungritty prison inmate will mount a daring new escape every month, but a gritty person inmate will tunnel his way out one spoonful of concrete at a time."

Today's question is:
"What kind of prison escapee would you be?"

Saturday, July 14, 2012


"You are, it seems, what you blow a lot of money on" - Garage Myth

In the past you can classify people based on money.  It seems to me that the more money people had they would spend it on luxury items.  BUT I no longer believe this.  Why?  75% of all luxury cars are leased.

I believe that we are becoming connoisseurs.  You are willing to spend money on things that have meaning to you.  You might see a guy who has 20 dollar jeans and a 10 dollar t-shirt with a 1000 dollar watch.  He is what I would call a watch connoisseur.  The watch is paid for and he wears it with pride.  He is into watches.

I believe people will start to more differentiate based on tastes than money in the future.  They will spend on items with which they connect.  The "rich" lifestyle definitions will change to "item" rich.

Today's question is:
"What are you a connoisseur of?"

Friday, July 13, 2012


"What job is it designed to do?"- Clayton Christensen

This is a classic question that Clayton Christensen is known for.  I recently met with a relative of mine who has a business. 

Her product quality is excellent.  So good that it would rival the quality of a large business.  Unfortunately other aspects of her business were not so clear.

The question that Clayton asked was a part of a case study.  The case study studied why early commuters were buying a shake.  In other words, "What job are the commuters hiring the milkshake to do for them?"

Her product was designing and creating hand woven articles.  Her question should have been to establish why her customers were purchasing the articles. 

The way I praised it,
"How do women feel when they put on the article you designed?"  Amazingly, she did not know the answer. 

Determining the answers to why you succeed and at times why you failed have to be known.  Without obtaining that knowledge we will not be able to predict future results.  With that knowledge we might not perfectly predict the results but at least we will not be 100% wrong.

Today's question is:
"Do you perform detailed studies of your successes AND your failures?"

Thursday, July 12, 2012


" 5% of teachers can raise students a grade level and a half. The bottom 5% put their kids a half grade behind." Doug Lemov Teach like a Champion: 49 Techniques That put Students on the Path to College

Pretty impressive statistic.  As a teacher since 1993(with a little pause in the last year), I understand that a great teacher can move students forward more efficiently.

In my experience, this statistic is less valid for college students.  The amount of material that is typically required is too much for anyone to be able to cover a semester and a half in a semester.  You can push them faster but then the retention of what they have learned is lost.  They will meet your expectations to cover the material BUT covering the material does not mean learning the material.

Today's question is:
"How do you know the rate at which you should explain something?"

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


"Breakthrough technologies often need an anchor so customers can grasp them."- Garage Myth

These days most people know that the Lasik procedure fixes ones vision close to 20/20.  It does not take much to explain it.  You lay on a table and a laser scrapes the top of your eye to improve your vision. 

In the book Garage Myth the authors mention a procedure called Lunineyes.  What is this procedure?  The way they explain it is:  Lunineyes is like Lasik for eye color.

Pretty clear.  By referencing the known one can explain the unknown a lot easier.

Today's question is:
"What can you use as your anchor to get your point understood better?"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


"Why are we so bad at anticipating the effects of our well-intentioned incentive plans?  The answer has to do with something that psychologists call a 'focusing illusion.' "- Daniel Kahneman and David Schkade

As a manager I have to believe that the incentives I provide for my employees are enough to move them towards action.  That is an extrinsic.  In other words they are externally motivated.  I am not a big believer in these types of incentives

A bonus is nice.  A lunch is nice.  BUT if internally (intrinsically) an employee does not believe in the mission then they will not accomplish it.  They will look for ways to get around the incentives.

I have found that my employee's passion has to be greater than mine in order for them to succeed.  How do you get them to have a greater passion than yours?  By giving them ownership and leadership.  Then praising them when needed and protecting them from attacks and accepting ownership for their mistakes.

Today's question is:
"Is your focus intrinsic or extrinsic?"

Monday, July 9, 2012


"Change comes from feelings, not facts" - The Garage Myth

Have you ever been moved by facts.  You might have been tempted.  Unless the thoughts are full of feelings, most likely the facts failed to be converted into action.

Facts are not enough.  Knowing what you must do is not enough to move you to just do it.  If it was then you would not see a doctor who smokes or a nurse that is overweight.  These professionals know the internal damage that those two vices cause(facts) but lack the feelings to make the change.

So how do you connect the feelings to the facts?  I believe that you must spend some time convincing yourself the value (the feeling/value of why you must do this) of what (the facts) you must do.  Once you have spend some time then you must simply do a small bit and never stop. 

Allow your momentum to carry you forward.  It is like running with a slight lean forward.  By constantly falling forward you keep running.

Today's question is:
"How do you connect your feelings to facts?"

Sunday, July 8, 2012


"Life can only be understood backwards; BUT it must be lived forwards."- Soren Kierkegaard

I used to keep a daily journal in a little notebook until earlier this year.  Why did I stop?  I honestly do not know.  I thought when I got my new phone that I would be able to do it digitally.  So far I have been wrong. 

The biggest benefit of the journal is that I could go back in time and review my days and learn from them.  I can not remember them as well without the aid of the journal.  Being able to review them and understand them better prepared me to live them forward more wisely.

The wisdom of the last few months that I could have gotten has been lost forever.  I can not dwell on that.  I must simply start again.  August 1 is my new start day.

Today's question is:
"What great practice have you temporarily dropped?"

Saturday, July 7, 2012


"Black Love" - Phillet (pronounced like fillet minon)

I thought she was joking.  So I asked her again, "What is the name of your perfume?".  Black love was the answer again. 

I proceeded to ask her where she bought the perfume.  She said that it was specifically designed for her.  I said, "What?"  She told me that the individual that produces the perfume exclusively for her used her saliva and her personality profile to develop a unique perfume for her.  Wow!

What I loved about her story was how unique that perfume was.  It was her sweat and personality that produced a result that smelled great on her.  She being an African-American woman chose the name to reflect her.

How unique can a product get?  I think it doesn't get any more unique than that.  I wonder what it would smell like on another woman?  Most likely it would not compliment her at all.  Perfumes are very unique.  Some that smell great on others smell awful on me.

Today's question is:
"What would you can your perfume?"

Friday, July 6, 2012


"The juice I am getting is just ain't worth the squeeze any more" - Thomas Homes

Tom and I have many conversations every day.  He often will let out a bit of wisdom that I have to run and capture because it is so meaningful.

At times we enjoy doing something.  We love it BUT over time it just doesn't have the same meaning.  It doesn't move us like it used to.  We need more or something different.

The same thing could be said about people in our lives.  If we keep growing we might outgrow them.  Or they us.  We just don't enjoy their company like we used to.  I often find it funny when people try to rekindle an old flame.  I recall this expression and wonder why people think that the squeze is worth it.  It must not have been for you to walk away from it in the first place. 

Today's question is:
"What is not worth squeezing any more?"

Thursday, July 5, 2012


"It does not feel the same" - my thought

I usually hate using elliptical machines.  But since the weather in Texas is very hot and humid I sometimes do not have a choice.

I figured being able to work out on it for an hour and a half on it, while watching a ball game, would be equivalent to a 10 mile run.  Man you do break out a sweat and your legs feel tired.  I use the 10% incline and 10 level for resistance.

BUT when I go out and run 10 miles it never feels the same. The pounding seems like it doesn't wear out my legs like the resistance and the inclide amout.  Something ios different because I never feel the same or even close to what I feel after a run when I do the elliptical.

I guess it is better than sitting on the couch watching TV.

Today's question is:
"What do you use for a substitute that just doesn't measure up to an original?"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


"United we Stand, Divided we Fall" - slogan

I read an open letter from Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks.  It moved me and mirrored my thoughts about the country.  The article is pasted below the post.

We have politicians who have been placed in a tough spot.  If they acted like statesmen and did what is best for the country then their parties will push them out next election.  So in order to keep their jobs,  they mostly vote along party lines and the country is starting to fail.

The twitter call for #INDIVISIBLE is to serve as a way to let the country know that we wish to move forward not along political lines but along success lines. Success that will revive the American dream.

It is a corrupt system.  This is why our founding fathers assumed that people will volunteer their time to serve their country's interest.  After their service they would go home and continue to live normal lives.  Instead we have created a system in which people are rewarded for staying a long time in Washington and never want to return to everyday lives.  They walk in broke and leave multi-millionaires with impressive connections.  After one term in office they are set up with medical care and pension for life.  Do you think our founding fathers would have done that?

We are divided. The only way out is for term limits to be placed on all elected offices.  3 Years for congressman, 5 years for senator, one 7 year term for president and cabinet members.  If you ran for Congress then the only thing you can run for is Senate.  If you were in Senate than the only thing you can run for in President.  One shot and you are out.  Lobbies need to be outlawed.  PACs need to be outlawed. 

The problem is that all these ideas make sense.  These politicians would need to make a sacrifice for the country in order for them to be implemented.  It will never happen. This is why empires fail from the inside.  They rot. 

Today's question is:
"How do you get people to do what is needed to do for the benefit of many?"

An Open Letter: How Can America Win This Election?

On Independence Day, our country celebrates the promise of America.
It’s a day to remember that the principles that bind us together vastly outweigh what keeps us apart. The freedom to dream and the opportunity to create a better life – not just for ourselves, but for each other – has always defined our great nation.

I am a product of that American Dream. As a kid who grew up in public housing, went on to get an education at a state university and build a business, I am grateful for what this country has made possible for me. In turn, at Starbucks, we have always tried our best to honor our responsibility to the communities we serve.

And on this Fourth of July, our communities need all of us.
Across the country, millions of Americans are out of work. Many more are working tirelessly yet still unable to adequately care for their families. Our veterans are not being welcomed home with the level of support they deserve. Meanwhile, in our nation’s capital, our elected leaders are continuing to put ideology over real solutions. I love America, but we all know there is something wrong. The deficits this country must reconcile are much more than financial, and our inability to solve our own problems is sapping our national spirit. We are better than this. America’s history has showed that we have accomplished extraordinary things when we act collectively, with courage, creativity, and generosity of spirit—especially during trying times.

As we celebrate all that is great about our country, let’s come together and amplify our voices.
Let’s tell our government leaders to put partisanship aside and to speak truthfully about the challenges we face. Let’s ask our business leaders to create more job opportunities for the American economy. And as citizens, let’s all get more involved. Please, don’t be a bystander. Understand that we have a shared responsibility in solving our nation’s problems. We can’t wait for Washington.
At Starbucks, we are trying to live up to our responsibility by increasing our local community service and helping to finance small-business job creation with Create Jobs for USA. Our company is far from perfect, and we know we can do more for America. But we need your help. We need your voice.

Join the national conversation with #INDIVISIBLE. Starting today, I invite you to share your view of America, and how we can all put citizenship over partisanship. On Instagram, post a photo of the America we all need to see. On Twitter, provide a link to an innovative idea. Blog about who’s making a difference in your community; or on YouTube, share how you made your American Dream come true. No matter where you post, if you use the tag #indivisible, Starbucks will do its part to collect and amplify your voices.
To spark the conversation in our stores, your local Starbucks will proudly serve everyone a free tall hot brewed coffee on the Fourth of July.

Together, we can set a new tone in America. We hope you agree that doing so is a powerful way to celebrate our nation’s birthday.

In 2012, America needs to win the election more than either party does. It is time now to join together as Americans. It is time, whatever our differences, for us to strive and succeed as one nation – indivisible.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


 “Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”

Unfortunately most of us just get old and never wise.  We experience life BUT rarely do we take a moment to think about the meaning of our actions and the wisdom contained in the results.  Instead we often say, "
Man if I could go back to 'a particular time', and I could know what I know now, I would be dangerous!"  Unfortunately, life does not give a time machine or a re-play button.

As I point out in my book, The Result, in life we seldom get complete success or failure BUT we always get a result.  It is wisdom to learn from the result and create a nudge towards a better result.  As Ben would urge... Wise Up.    The wisdom comes from the pause in order to determine a nudge worth taking.  

We have to wise up early enough in our lives in order for the rest of our life to be more successful and have a deep meaning.  Pause and think about things.  Pause.

Today's question is:
"How often do you pause in order to wise up?"

Note: Last fourteen posts were based on Ben's ideas and the article from Thea Easterly.  Her blog offers inspiring tips on writing, career change and personal development.  

Monday, July 2, 2012


 “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

Anything worthwhile takes and effort.  At times it could exhaust you and your resources.  If it worthwhile, it will push you to the edge and make you wonder if giving up is the best option.

Ben's advice is Don't Give Up.  Pushing through that is rewarding and worthwhile.

In my opinion even though I am a runner, no one in their right mind sets out to run long distance.  Anything above 3 miles is no longer just a fun run. 

When the young man at the door of my building asks me if I am running 7 or 10 miles I always choose 10.  I need to push myself.  If I say 7 I might give up at 10.  But if I say 10 then even if I give up at 10 I wold be better off than 4 miles.

It is a good lie.  It gets me motivated to run and hopefully build determination and strength for me to continue running in the future.

Today's question is:
"Do you tell yourself good lies in order not  to give up?" .

Sunday, July 1, 2012


“Who had deceived thee so often as thyself?”

I believe that I am my own worst enemy.  The negative self-talk I say to myself is often harsher than anything that anyone else would dare to say to me.

I even lie to myself.  I say to myself that I will do X but I end up doing Y.  I eat too much even when I say to myself that I should not.  Ben would urge me Don't Sabotage yourself.  Be your own best friend.  Be kind to yourself like a best friend would be.

Our enemies are withion.  Control those monsters and the ones on the outside are small compared with them.

Today's question is:
"Do you sabotage yourself?"