
Friday, January 4, 2013

365QOD- Day699

"Why as many as 65%?" - my question to the TV segment

This being the beginning of the new year, people are still striving to achieve their new year resolution(s).  Well most of us.  By end of first week it is down to 75% and by end of January 40% will be on track.

The show I watched this morning showed that of the 45% of Americans that create a resolution only 8% achieve it at the end of the year.  BUT what was scary to me was the 65% group of the folks that did not have at least one new years resolution.

Why?  Well, I believe life tends to beat us up and the 65% have tried before and failed and are probably thinking, "what for?"  They have thrown in the towel.  The fight is over.

By not setting any goals then failure is not possible.  But the truth is that so is success.   I guess I value tenacity and grit to much.  If I fall then I must get up.  If I am heading into a bad situation then I have to figure out how to get a better result than bad.

Maybe I am naive but I expect failure as a given.  I expect that I will not succeed on the first try but have to nudge it a little each time to get a better result.  As a matter of fact I just got through reading a book on the Power of Failure.

In the end I would rather fail and grow then sit and give up.  But that is just me.  I fight to be in the 8%.

Today's question is:
"Have you given up the fight?"

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