
Saturday, January 26, 2013

365QOD- Day721

“These Tires Turn Orange to Tell You It’s Time for New Rubber”- story slogan

This slogan popped out at me.  It made me think how brilliant this is. 

Long time ago I had a car that I loved.  BUT during the first year it seemed like the car went to the shop more than I drove it.  The problem was that on a straight road the tires pulled the car drastically.  It felt like someone was pulling the steering wheel to the right all of the time.  The manufacturer did all kind of alignments and tests but never solved the problem.

60000 miles later I found out it was the tires and not the car. BUT it took a couple of years of frustration with that problem.  My hands always had to be on the wheel in order not to lose control.

More than the tire story what caught my attention was the idea.  The idea that items could warn us that their lifespan is nearing the end(EOL-end of life).  This is a typical issue that I spend a lot of time justifying.  Just because a piece of equipment is suppose to last 20 years the plant wants to continue using it 40 years after the purchase because it still works. 

So the idea of the equipment changing color is cool.  It would force people to recognize that all things have a useful life span.

Today’s question is:
“Where could you use this idea of being able to tell EOL?”

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