
Thursday, January 17, 2013

365QOD- Day712

“Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive”- Edith Wharton

I read this quote last week and immediately remembered a series of three posts I wrote about eating cookies and failing.  Those three posts rank as some of my favorites.

Habits are nice if they are good habits.  BUT unfortunately we also tend to build bad habits.  Some are so instinctive that we do not even realize we are doing them.  It is the lizard brain in us. 

I have a bad habit of tearing the skin above my nails when I am stressed out of.  Most times I am not even aware that I am doing it.  At times it is so bad that I have to put a band-aid on my finger because I am causing myself pain.   The band-aid serves as a way for me to preventing the “trail into a rut”. 

Today’s question is:
“What is your band-aid?”

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