
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

365QOD- Day703

"Vicis exspecto pro nemo"- a Latin expression

I am an observer.  I observe ads, commercials, t-shirts, tattoos, etc. I get a kick out of getting the joke or learning something new.

Recently while on the beach I saw a young lady who had this expression as a tattoo   Unusual to say the least.  

With the help of a search engine, I found out that the meaning of it is that "Time waits for no one".  It is a great reminder to live life to its fullest.   A wonderful reminder to the young lady and every one of us.

Lack of time probably ranks as one of the biggest excuses for not getting things done.  But remember that you can steal time from life by getting up early and achieving your dream.  You can do a lot of damage at 4 in the morning and no one will stop you.

Today's question is"
"What are you waiting for?"

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