
Monday, January 7, 2013

365QOD- Day702

"Careoke" - my invention

While driving around I heard a song on the radio.  The radio did not register the song artist or tittle so I pulled out my cell phone and used Shazam to obtain the information.

A funny thing happened next.  After the song information was obtained the song lyrics started scrolling across the screen.  I could read them as I drove.

I thought to myself.  Wow!  Everyone thinks they can sing in the shower and in their car.  Immediately I connected these ideas and thought, "Why not at least have the lyrics show up on a 6" device above the center of the dash that would flash the lyrics so that they at least can get the words right?"  Imagine a trip across the country with everyone in the car singing songs.

So am I going to pursue it?  Heck no!  The idea is interesting and I believe someone will eventually do it.  I just offer it for taking.  It is not consistent with my brand or where I want to invest my time.

Today's question is:
"How do you chose what you will pursue?"  

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