
Friday, January 25, 2013

365QOD- Day720

“It will cost $22000 and last three years” – comments from Rodney Brooks on 60 minutes segment

Recently I saw a segment on 60 minutes that I have not been able to get out of my mind.  In it Rodney Brooks the founder of iRobot company talked about creating a new company and building robots. 

The segment showed off the robots.  The robots have two arms and a face screen.  What makes these robots powerful is that they can be programmed to do repetitive tasks by being guided by an experienced worker.

The 22k cost blew me away.  BUT if a company can replace one worker’s salary and benefits for three years for 22k then the yearly costs is $7333.  Divide this by 365 days at 24 hours of operation and you get: 84 cents per hour

So what? This changes the need to ship repetitive work overseas because the work can be done here competitively.  BUT what do with the 150,000 new entries into the labor pool each month?  Now that is the big question that the country needs to decide in the next few years.

Today’s question is:
“What percentage of your work is repetitive?”

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