
Thursday, January 24, 2013

365QOD- Day719

   "You are not even thinking” – my observation

I recently read that we have three brains layers.  Bottom one is our habitual/animal layer.  Second one is our emotional brain.  Top layer is our logical brain.

When working with different people in variety of situations, it is easy how we often operate using the bottom two layers.  We do what is wired into us and if emotions are added this becomes our typical response.

So how do we get to use our thinking brain?  I believe that when confronted with a situation we have to ask ourselves some questions:
What do I normally do in this type of situations? (probing the animal brain)
What feelings are driving me to do this? (probing the emotional brain)
When is the first time I decided that I should do this?( initial source for habit and emotions)

By asking these questions you are opening your brain to the thinking that the third layer provides.  Notice the big pauses in between.  This allows us to let the question and answer to be heard.

Today’s question is:
“How many layers do you use most of the time when making decisions?”

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