
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

365QOD- Day731

“Only the paranoid survive” – Andy Grove’s book title

I remember giving a speech at a major university to an incoming freshmen engineering class.  In the speech I described my world as a professor and an engineering manager in steel industry.

During the speech I told a story of how major steel got its lunch taken by mini mills because they were not paying attention to the low-end producers.
In the story I told how Andy Grove went to a conference where he heard this story and he restructured the strategy at Intel to handle this threat.

As the title of his book suggests, he believes that being paranoid is helpful to survival.  BUT I believe that you still have to be a bit more confident. Paranoid Confidence as Derek Flanzraich from Greatist terms it.  “I believe the best entrepreneurs develop a healthy balance of paranoia and confidence. They're vigilant and realistic while, at the same time, never lacking the gumption to believe their vision is right.”

Today’s question is:
“Do you exhibit Paranoid Confidence?”

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