“Do you want me to smile on a
Monday?” – Actual question posed to me
answer is no. I can not make you do
anything. You are an adult and have
control of yourself. If you do not want
to smile then you will not.
believe that Mondays are critical to team effectiveness. I put on my best smiley face on Mondays. Why?
of 1993 I suffered four major setbacks that each occurred on a Monday. I was responsible for several shops and all
of the equipment in them. On Monday
morning I would show up before 7 and the technicians would tell me how they
needed my help to troubleshoot a machine that they had been working on all
weekend. I would spend the day and at
the end of the day the machine was still not fixed.
I went home to open my mail and discover that I had been rejected from another
Ph.D. program. I would then shower and
get ready to go teach my first engineering class.
this had happened for four weeks in a row, I remember lecturing in front of 75
people and one of the students, David Zajakala, asking me if I was all
right. He pointed out that I am not the
same guy that started the class. It dawned on me that I had let these Monday
experiences affect my teaching.
was that night that I made a wow to myself to never have a bad Monday. I realized that it affected not only me but
other people around me. I chose
positivity, especially on Mondays.
question is:
“How do you begin your
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