
Saturday, February 23, 2013

365QOD- Day749

"I don't give out my salary information.  My boss and I are both ashamed of it"- Don Amerson

Recently Don said this to me in a hallway conversation.  Man, I could hardly wait to get back to my office to write it down. It is a jewel and great advice.

In Europe where I grew up people telling you their salary is very common.  I do not know if it is just not thought of as private or maybe we in the US consider it too private?

I usually do not share that information.  It serves no purpose to share it.  If I am interviewing for a job then I should be judged based on what I bring to the table NOT based on what I settled for in my last role.

I do believe people see you differently once you give out that information.  Some will look up to you and some will look down on you.  There is no good that can come from it.

Today's question is:
"What private information do you give out freely?"

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