
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

365QOD- Day732

“Not my problem”- Unknown

If you want to control something then you have to take ownership.  Just because someone else provides the vision, you have to own the process in order to execute it properly.  You can’t be the owner without control.  Giving someone responsibility without authority never works.

I have never gotten push back when I took ownership of a process.  It seems to me that most people want to be participants rather than owners.  Owners are not necessarily the “owner” of the company.  It could be a process, location, tools, etc.

As owner you do not have a person you can blame.  Tag, you are it.  You own it and want it to succeed.  So you must nurture it to success even when you see your baby failing.  It is not easy.

Today’s question is:
“Do you want the responsibility of ownership?”

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