
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

365QOD- Day858

"I stand on the shoulders of giants"- giving credit

My first book, The Result, is a true story.  The idea that you always get a result and not to call it failure or success comes from Tony Robbins.  So my book is an application of the idea.

This morning I was reading an article on site that discusses the idea of plateaus on the path to mastery.  The author does a good job of describing the types of personalities and their behavior when confronted by a plateau.

Unfortunately the author does not give credit for the idea originator.  If you get a hold of the book Mastery by George Leonard you will discover the the identical types.  The only difference is that George applied them generally while the author applied it to tennis.

The reason I bring this up is not to put down the author.  It is for us to realize and credit a source.  Maybe I did not communicate the giant as well as I should for my book?  I have to go back and re-read a part of my book.

Today's question is:
" Whose shoulder does your idea stand on?"

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