" Be quiet, I am catching up on my ultradian rhythm" a joke
What are ultradian rhythms? Ultradian rhythms are mini mind and body breaks that one strategically takes during the day.
Our bodies need nourishment and rest to perform properly. Without proper nutriment every 90-120 minutes they start getting hungry and the longer we go without feeding it we are more likely to overeat. So when we override the 90-120 minute natural cycle we tend to do things that we should not.
Same thing goes for or minds. If your mind does not take a mental break every 90-120 minutes it does not stay sharp. It will start making mistakes more frequently.
Putting this together would mean that every hour and a half or two hours we should grab something light to eat and rest by closing our eyes and stilling our mind.
Today's question is:
" Could you take a 10-15 minute break mentally and physically every 90 -120 minutes"
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