"What happens after the 'I did it' moment? "- Joshua Davis
After experiencing great success Joshua became uninspired. The way he described it at 99u conference speech is, "That moment of being amazed by the unknown had left me."
Joshua felt the "sluggishness of the comfortable". In my opinion this is a very dangerous place to be.
During a meeting once I uttered the words, "when you feel comfortable, it is time to get uncomfortable." My then boss loved it and stated quoting it in larger meetings.
I happen to work in a chemical plant. Getting comfortable in a chemical plant is just plain stupid. It is like working on to of a time bomb. It is not whether it well go off, it is a Mayer of when it will go off. We have a lot of procedures that force us to ask tough questions of ourselves when making changes. Amazingly, even with all those procedures things always get missed.
Today's question is:
" How do you overcome the sluggishness of bring comfortable?"
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