
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

365QOD- Day865

"Is it?" -my question to myself

On my wall is a sign that states,"The Year of The App".  Besides publishing an app a few months ago I have not been working on any new ones lately.

Because I often like to tackle many things I periodically have to ask myself, "Is it still important?" Or even better, "Why am I creating this product?"

Amazingly enough when I read article on the founder of Jawbone Hosain Rahman he asks himself these same two questions.  It is his way of cutting though the noise and a way to revisit his core principles.

My answer about the apps is yes and that once I am done with my next two projects I will spend the last three months creating new apps.  I do need to change my sign to The Year of Some Apps.
Today's question is:
"How do you decide what is still important? "

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