
Friday, November 1, 2013

365QOD- Day1000

Today marks an important milestone. To me to do something for 1000 days continuously is impressive.  I believe that it had taught me to think and do differently.
I just want to say THANKS for visiting and following the blog.  Hopefully your journey leads you to your desired destination.  Now let's turn to something related.

Millionaire at 15

"Is it what she thinks or how she thinks?"-Tommy Hendricks

The inspiration for today's post came from season the of Shark Tank.  A mom and two girls walk in and the oldest of the the tag colds about the business she came up with when she was 10 to sell trinkets made from bottle caps.  Her contribution to the "economy of stupid" lead to her at 1.6 million in sales of which profit was 1 million.

I told Tommy this story and we both were impressed and wondered about her thinking process.  Immediately, Tommy wondered what made get think the way she does our even better how she thinks.

My thoughts were more on the execution side. What made her execute her ideas and lead to her success.  I am sure many young kids have ideas but their ideas are usually in their head and if they are lucky they make it to paper.  But usually that is as far as they go.
To execute something, like she her sister and mom have, great requires the willingness to pay the price. You have to be willing to go from thinking to doing and move to doing it every day even when you don't feel like it.

I believe that that is the lesson of writing a big for a thousand days: become disciplined to do something for an extended amount of time and not quit. I do not believe that I am the same person that stated this journey a thousand days ago.

Thanks for your support..

Today's question is:
"What would you become after doing something for a thousand days?"

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