
Sunday, November 24, 2013

365QOD- Day1023

The Rebel

"Rebel without a cause."- a movie title

In this third of four posts I want to review and discuss what Gretchen defines as the third of four personality types when it comes to habits.  In today's post I want to review and discuss the third type: The Rebel.

Ms. Rubin defines The Rebel as someone who is horrible at
1. adhering to inner rules
2. all outer rules.

The way I would define this person is someone who has great confidence in themselves.  They are out of control when it comes to setting up inner rules.  They feel that they need to live in the moment and not create rules of what can and can not be done.  A rebel just does not care if their rules make sense to anyone.  Hell, they do not even follow them themselves.

A Rebel can not follow any outer rules.  They tend to believe that they are outside of the hold of any rules set up by someone else.  This leads to making many transitions in relationships and jobs.  A Rebel is driven by a constant need for a new challenge.  In the example I used with the first two types, if they are the team leader and their boss tells them to execute X they ignore it and will simply not execute it.

A rebel has to create their future by working for themselves.  They can not survive in someone else's world.

Today's question is:
"Are you a Rebel?" 

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