Leading From the Side
"Don't lead me, I'll wonder off. Don't follow me, I'll get you lost. Walk beside me and help me cause trouble."- unknown
I found this quote while checking my Facebook page. Immediately I noticed the uniqueness. Is this a way to lead?
You often are taught that we should lead from a front position. We have to have vision and hopefully the team will follow us on the journey. Unfortunately, many leaders that lead from the front do not bother to look behind to see if they are followed. They assume because of their positional leadership that people should just follow them. That is not always the case. As I always say, "If you are leader without followers, then you are just taking a walk."
Leading from behind is another way that people believe that one should lead a team. BUT I have never found this to be effective. It is better to lead from up front than to lead from behind. People believe that they are pulling you along and since you are the leader than they lose faith in you. No one will follow people that hide in the back of the pack.
The wisdom in this quote is the leading from the side. Walk beside me and help me cause trouble. I love it! This fits my style. I lead by allowing myself to stray off the beaten path and getting people to follow their instincts that the journey off the path is truly the best path. I don't have to convince them because they convince themselves.
Do you know what is a another word for trouble? Change.
Today's question is:
"Do you ever lead from the side?"
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