
Thursday, November 14, 2013

365QOD- Day1013

Parkinson’s Law

“Work expands as to fill the time available for its completion”- Cyril Parkinson

I agree that a task will swell to fill the time.  I also believe that this is true mostly because of believed complexity and perceived difficulty depending and upon the amount of time that you allocate to the task.  Let’s drill down into these.

Complexity is interesting.  When I say complexity what I am saying is something that might not be very difficult but require many steps to complete.  If it requires you to do 20 steps to get to the end, the goal is complex because you have to go through 20 hurdles to get it done.  Each one of the steps might be quick and easy but without all 20 the task does not get completed.

Similarly, perceived difficulty is in the eye of the beholder.  If I believe that something is difficult for me to accomplish then I have already created a wall I have to really want to jump over.  However, just because I believe it to be difficult does not make it difficult for others.  There are adults that do not know how to ride a bike. 

I can see the wisdom in Parkinson’s statement.  Work will expand to fill the time available.  Sometimes complexity or level of difficulty is not even an issue.  If I get up early and have three hours to kill before I have to leave home then guess what?  I will find something to fill those three hours.  It might not be very productive but it will fill the time available.

Today’s question is:

“What can you do not to fall into Parkinson’s trap?”

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