
Friday, July 11, 2014

365QOD- Day1251

Start of Your Day
“Breakfast- the breaking of the fast induced by sleeping”- my definition
I recently read an article called 15 Things Successful Entrepreneurs do Every Day by Jacqueline Whitmore.  Her first observation is:
“1. Eat breakfast. To work at your peak performance, your body needs fuel. Rather than just grab a cup of coffee on your way to the office, take a few minutes to eat a meal or drink a protein smoothie — even if it’s on the go.
I believe that most of us start our day in a hurry.  We are rushing to get to work.  Rushing to eat our food while sitting at our desk.  So it is no surprise that successful entrepreneurs would do the opposite of most people.

So what is a healthy breakfast?  For many years I used to make oatmeal with dry fruits and milk.  I love it.  Other days it is a simple bowl of mueslix type of cereal with milk.  Other days it is mueslix type of cereal with a cup of coffee.  After a run, my breakfast consists of two eggs with vegetables and toast.  Variety is the key to not getting bored with it.

Remember that whatever you eat it most likely will be 4-5 hours before you eat another full meal.  Four hours is actually two 120 min cycles at which the human body craves nourishment.  So overriding through two of them causes your body to believe that you will not feed it.  This rolls into overeating because you do not know when the next meal will be.  Often the dinner meal is another 2-3 cycles later.  And this leads with overeating.

The best thing we can do is eat a healthy breakfast and follow it with a healthy snack about 120 minutes later.  That way at lunch we will be less likely to overeat.  The same idea holds for afternoon. 

Today’s question is:

“Do you start your day with a healthy breakfast of champions?”

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