
Saturday, July 19, 2014

365QOD- Day1259

Can You Please Do This For Me?
“You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility.”- Bryon Dorgan

Whitmore’s ninth observation is: Delegate.
The other day I spend some time looking through  It blew me away.  The services people were willing to provide for $5 was incredible.  Immediately I thought to myself that I need to start using the services of others more.
I can create many products but I am no different than others.  My life is 247365.  In it I get 168 hours per week.  40 hours are spent working. Driving 8 hours per week. 72 are spent sleeping.  Running uses 2 hours. Walking consumes about 10 hours per week. I would estimate another 7 are spent eating.  Reading probably another 5 hours.  So my total is 144.  What is left is 24 hours that I cannot account for easily. 
So what if I used those hours to formulate my projects in a format that I can delegate to others to complete for me? 
I believe that I would get at least a four fold return.  In other words, what would take me four hours to do I believe some of these specialists could get it done in one hour.  That would give me four time 24 hours or 96 hours of productivity.  Impressive!
I believe the key is to make the work in small enough chunks that they can be easily be done by someone else without much direction.  Give them the authority to complete the work to their best ability.  But as the quote teaches, I still retain the responsibility for the quality of the work.  Cool!
Today’s question is:

“How do you break up work so that pieces can be delegated to others to accomplish?”

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