
Saturday, July 12, 2014

365QOD- Day1252

Evening Strategy
“Plan your day, live your plan”- old sage advice
Jacqueline Whitmore’s second observation is: Plan Your Day.
I am a firm believer in spending your day before it starts.  And when I do not spend the day before it’s start, I feel that the day usually turns out wasted. 
So, what does this mean?
On Sunday afternoons I like to sit down for a half hour and plan the whole week.  During this session I consider what is important to me: personal, family, work, etc.  For each area I like to consider at least three actionable things I can accomplish next week.  This is a high level planning session BUT it misses the daily connection.
At night before going to sleep I spend about 5 minutes reviewing what happened during the day and moving tasks around during the week.  I identify and note in my moleskin book the most urgent (1), three important tasks (3), and five (5) need to do tasks for the next day.  This is my 1-3-5 list.
Today’s question is:

“Do you spend your days before starting them?”

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