Oversharer- The Blunderer
"Definition: The Blunderer- Misses
social clues that conversation isn't welcome."- WSJ Office Oversharers:
Don’t tell Us about last Night June 25, 2014 article by Sue Shellenbarger
One of the blog topics is teamwork. When I saw this article I immediately saw how
the types could be detrimental to teamwork.
So the next several posts will delve into each type.
The first type is the Blunderer.
"Definition: the
blunderer misses social clues that a conversation is not welcome."
So what are some examples?
Imagine someone walking into your office and going
through extreme amount of detail about what they did this weekend. Maybe their weekend consisted of situations
which you view morally different than the blunderer? So what do you do? You squirm in your seat and just take
it? No!
If you do get up and leave, then guess what you will hear next Monday-
the same type of story.
The easiest way to stop a Blunderer is to say that you do
not wish to hear about situations such as those being brought up. If this does not work, then stand up and
start walking towards your door.
In another situation, the Blunderer barges into a
conversation. They immediately jump in as if the conversation was waiting for
them to show up and take over. The best
way to remove the Blunderer is to start walking away as a group.
Today's question is:
"How do you let a Blunderer know that
they are not invited?"
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