
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"That doesn't seem right." - self-talk

The fifth element of flow is  ongoing, direct feedback

I used to teach programming to new engineering students.  Many of them had never done programming so trying to get them to understand the programming process was a challenge.

When writing programs, these days, one begins by opening an IDE- integrated developmental environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio.  The student then enters a small snippet of a program.  The program is the compiled.  After the student cleans up any errors, the student compiles it again.

Once the compiling comes back without any errors, the program is linked with needed libraries.  If there are any issues with the libraries the IDE lets the student know.  Lastly, an execution file is created.  Once that execution file is executed the student gets a result.  If the result is not what the student intended, the student begins the process again by changing the code.

It is a wonderful process.  It provides for ongoing, direct feedback.  The computer does not care who you are but it will evaluate your logic and give you the result you deserve.

Today's question is:
"How do you get ongoing, direct feedback?"

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