
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


"The positive effect of self-help is temporary BUT so is daily bathing" - my version of Jim Rohn's classic

Nothing lasts forever.  You hear that phrase all of the time.

Temporarily we can tell ourselves that we are something or can do something .  We might actually believe it.  In a study by Polivy and Herman found that 87% people believed their declarations of self change BUT in a few weeks their self-image was worse than before declaration.

The declarations have to be believed and have to be followed with action that supports the belief.

Suppose you want to change X and you decide for it to be Y.  Now you must set out the action steps Y1, Y2, Y3, and so on that would lead you to a permanent change. 

Just saying the positive thing you want to be is delusional but with action it can become reality.

Today's question is:
"Are you repeating affirmations or are you taking actions?"


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