
Monday, May 7, 2012


"I am not a self help guy, I am a strategist" - Tony Robbins (not exact words but pretty close)

Last night I was watching Piers Morgan's show on which Tony was a guest for a half hour on .  He uttered words that he did not just see himself as a rah rah kind of guy but that he is a strategist.

The interviewer even mentioned that Tony has a client that pays him 1M+ every year to meet with him a few times a year and work on strategy.  Wow!

Being familiar with Tony's work it did not surprise me that he speaks and motivates but he considered his brand to be more of a strategist.  It makes sense but I would have never thought that would be his one word that he uses to describe himself.

In a past post I mentioned that I use cREATOR (with a small c) to describe myself.  This took me about eight hours of thinking to come up withthe word. 

Today's question is:
"What is the one word you would use to brand yourself?"

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