
Friday, May 11, 2012


"People are happiest about money operate under three premises of wealth, a word that has less to do with quantity than with outlook"- Laura Vanderkam, All the Money in the World

The first premise is
"I have enough.  There are some people in this world who have more, but also plenty with less"

To me it is easy to believe this statement.  I live in a studio apartment.  I have plenty of space.  When I lived in a two bedroom apartment I had more space BUT I am now content with my studio apartment.

I realize that there are people that have homes that measure several thousand square feet.  God bless them.  I wish them a bigger house and more stuff.  No I am not being funny. 

There are also people who would look at my small studio and consider it large.  Maybe even a large family would be able to occupy the same space.  I also wish them a bigger house and more stuff.

I have enough.

Today's question is:
"Do you have enough?"

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