
Thursday, May 17, 2012


"The joke is, yeah you have prestige, but you can't eat prestige."- Tony Yang Ph.D. 

Tony Yang has a Ph.D. in History from University of California.  He is also unemployment and welfare recipient.

The recession has hurt many folks.  Unemployment is around 8-9 % but for white collar workers it was 4-5%.

So why is Tony Yang without a job?  Timing is everything.  If he would have come out when the economy was booming he would have walked out with multiple offers.  But he did not.

The same thing happened to me in Dec 1988.  I finished by bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Purdue and did not have a single offer.  So I decided to continue with my Masters while looking.  By May the situation changed and by August I landed my first full time job.

I feel bad for him.  He has invested a considerable time and money to achieve his goal.  However, in life there are no guarantees.  You have to play the hand that has been dealt to you.  And unlike a play, there are no rehearsals. 

Today's question is:
"What would you do if you were in Tony Yang's situation?"

The article can be found at

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