
Sunday, May 27, 2012

365QOD- Day477

"Life sucks" - a post on my daughter's page

Recently I sent a Skype invite to talk to my daughter Stefani.  When she did not respond, I instant messaged her a question, "Why does life suck?"

Her response was "A particular person and math."  I can not help her with the person BUT I offered to help her with math.

Has she taken me up on it? No!

Maybe I suck at math.  I do not think that is true.

How good am I in math?   Well, I have had 5 math courses (Calculus and above) as an undergraduate, 4 for my Masters, and 2 for my doctoral work.  In addition, I have instructed college courses up to advanced Calculus.  I probably know more math than 99.99999% of the people on the planet.  That is not an exaggeration.

So why doesn't my daughter call and get help?  A very good question.  It could be just being prideful.  It could be just "too busy".  You know how busy teenagers get.  LOL

Today's question is:
"What keeps you from seeking qualified help when it is available?"

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