
Sunday, September 2, 2012


“For the last six years, I‘ve had exactly one employee. Me. This has changed my life in ways that I hand not predicted.  I can write an e-book and launch it in some crazy way and just see what happens.  If you don’t have to bet the farm on every launch, you are way more likely to launch more, which vastly increases your odds.”- Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a wonderfully creative individual.  Once in a while I have to go to his website and read a little and often download a free product.  He never fails to inspire me.

When I read this quote I can see that he is a sole employee.  He is the creator of his own materials.  This is unlike other self-help authors who have a team of people writing for them and they just provide the spark.  Nothing wrong with that approach either but they are not equal in my mind.

The quote urges the quick launch of products while minimizing the investment in money and time.  Launch, learn, improve, launch again, keep repeating.  The minimum cost is what allows this process to continue and to eventually get to a continuous success

Today’s question is:
“What prevents you from launching continuously?”

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