
Friday, September 28, 2012

365QOD- Day601

“9 vs. 2… it will never work” – my thought
In Inc. online story about the company Blank Label, founded by Fan Bi and Danny Wong, it tells a story of how when men buy a shirt they tend to Buy a shirt off the rack and you have two sizing options: neck and sleeve length. Blank Label, an online custom shirt retailer, offers nine,  and allows you to customize collars, cuffs, pockets, and plackets." 

Will this work?  Sometimes more choices create purchase paralysis and lack of commitment to purchase.  This was learned in an experiment with jam in a mall. When people were presented with three choices they tended to buy more often than when presented with 30+ choices. 

I love unique offerings but the more and more I tend to evaluate multiple offerings I tend to delay my purchase.  In this I do not believe that I am unique.  However, I do tend to think that maybe more options than two is needed but maybe nine is overkill.

Today’s question is:
“What is the right number of options for your product or service?”

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