
Monday, September 17, 2012


"Don't follow your passion, follow your effort" - Mark Cuban's advice to a presenter

While watching Shark Tank I heard Mark Cuban utter these words.  I immediately understood the advice.  Often times we are aware of your passion(s) but yet we do nothing towards executing it(them). 

If we are honest and do a detailed analysis we will find that out efforts are going towards other pursuits.
The pursuit might not be a passion but it takes us away from fullfilling our passion.

In the eppisode I watched was a guy who was passionate about foot messages but was an active tri-athelete.  When he was asked about his efforts, it became obvious that it was not mostly on his passion.  He failed the shark test.  Hia efforts were not towards his passion.

Today's question is:
"Are you working on your passion or are you working on your side-pursuits?"

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