
Sunday, September 16, 2012

365QOD- Day589

"It is too late for me" - Mario

Mario is a great basketball player.  He ia fast and has great control of his body.  So I asked him why he isn't playing on a team.  His response above floored me.

Yesterday I ran a 10k race in 1:11.  It was tough to run over a tall bridge four times.  I kept putting one foot in front of the other.  Yes when I was Mario's age the time that it would have taken me to run would have been around 34 minutes.  But so what!

I never understood how great I could have been if proper coaching had been available.  But I have never ever felt that it is too late to do anything.  I am the guy who will run a marathon when I turn 100.

Today's question is:
"How do you decide that it is too late?"

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